Sunday, July 13, 2008

Schedule for the Rest of the Year

OK folks, we've got our schedule of meetings worked out - location will be the same, except for perhaps the December meeting, and the times - we'll let you know about the dates and times in each "meeting post."

Comments are more than welcome and encouraged.
All meetings will take place at Delaney's in Five Points from 6 to 8 PM (except for the Advent party--TBD).
  • August: West meets East, Catholicism and Islam - we're working on getting someone to come speak to our group.
  • September 10: Holy Mary Mother of God!:Catholic Spirituality, devotionals, prayers, practices - this is going to be a two part series with the second half in the new year, for this meeting we're going to discuss the Charismatic movement in the Church and have a guest speaker come to discuss Charisms and practicing the faith charismatically.
  • October 8: Catholic GOTV - we're going to look at the Bishops voter guide and have some one from both the Democratic and Republican party (anyone know an official with the Libertarian party?) come speak to us about the upcoming election and where there candidates stand in relation to the issues.
  • November 5: It's all about 'we' - a discussion on our role as lay persons within the Church and more importantly within our communities.
  • December 12 (TBD): Happy Advent and Merry Christmas - the first annual YACS Christmas party, do communicate over the next couple of months a time and location.
Check back soon for the next "meeting post" for August's meeting.